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E-Commerce Business Intelligence

E-Commerce Business Intelligence

Client Profile

An eCommerce startup in an emerging and challenging market with multiple revenue streams and geographical locations.

Client's Challenges

The client was struggling to get a true picture of their business performance due to multiple revenue streams and a reliance on manual processes. Manually extracting information from various tools and correlating it was error-prone, time-consuming, and difficult to manage.

Client Requirements

The client wanted a streamlined process for correlating and presenting data from different data sources in a cost-effective manner. This would provide near real-time information about the business and enable the analysis and expansion of revenue streams.

Divaaco’s Approach

Divaaco developed a custom ETL solution that automated the data gathering process. This involved extracting, transforming, and loading data into a centralized data storage, which was then used to generate the required reports and dashboards using a BI tool. To keep costs at a minimum, Divaaco used AWS Lambda for running ETLs, AWS RDS, and CloudWatch to operate the solution in a cost-optimized manner.


One of the primary challenges was delivering a cost-effective solution for the startup. Divaaco overcame this challenge by utilizing AWS Lambda for ETLs and AWS RDS and CloudWatch to operate the solution in a cost-optimized manner.


AWS, AWS RDS, Lambda,

Benefits to Customer

  • Unified reporting
  • Faster delivery of insights
  • Improved decision-making capabilities
  • Consistency across the reporting layerCost-effective solution
  • Efficient management of resources
  • Streamlined process for correlating and presenting data from multiple sources
  • Data-driven decision-making enabled
  • Expansion of revenue streams

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